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Linden police shares safety tips

Police warn residents going away to bear the following safety information in mind to keep their homes protected during the holidays

The Linden police are encouraging the community not to fall into the traps of various housebreaking during this festive season.

Linden Police Station Commander Colonel Shaid Abdool explained that vacations are the best way to break the monotony of a daily routine. It refreshes your body and mind and also induces a positive outlook.

“The relaxation time is important for us to relax however, if it is a weekend getaway or a long trip – you should always ensure that your house and other belongings are safe and secure. There is no actual guarantee that your home won’t be broken into even if you take all the necessary security measures before leaving on vacation.”

He shared a few safety tips that have been curated to make sure that homes are safe and protected while you are away:

  • Make sure to close all the doors and windows: One of the most crucial pieces of safety advice before leaving for vacation is to lock your doors windows and garages properly: this stands as your initial line of defence against thieves if they are taken care of in the correct manner, they significantly reduce the probability of a successful break-in.
  • Make sure your alarm system is working
  •  Inform your family, neighbours or friends of your intended destination
  • Lock all the tools such as spades, pics and ladders away
  • Suspend or put on hold your daily subscriptions: While you are away on vacation or your holiday make sure to put on hold your daily deliveries of daily supply materials like mail, newspapers and other items
  • Ask a trusted friend or neighbour to remove your mail from outside your house


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