Waverley Girls High comes to the rescue of Alex’s Ma Afrika FC

Waverley Girls High School has come to the rescue of a football club that is taking children off the streets.

Waverley Girls High School has sprinted to the rescue of the newly promoted Alexandra soccer outfit Ma Afrika FC.

This after offering the side the use of their school facilities for training and also making their school bus available whenever the team needs to travel to meet its fixture commitments.

This was disclosed by the school principal Milton Seopa during an interview with Alex News at the team’s trophy parade and awards ceremony following their promotion to the SAB League on June 12.

Ma Afrika was promoted following their 3–1 victory over Norwood Young Stars in the hotly contested final plays-offs of the Alexandra Northrand Local Football Association Promotional League. They join five other Alex teams that have been languishing in the SAB League for sometime now.

Alex resident and one of the sponsors of MaAfrika FC Mark Mariba and Waverley Girls High School Milton Seopa share the joy of the team’s promotion to the SAB League with the trophy. Photo: Zanele Siso/Zanephoto

Seopa, whose school may be outside the township but is more of an extension of other high schools in Alex as the majority of children come from Alexandra, said his decision to offer the club team their sport facilities and bus was based more on compassion.

“I am one person that spends much time in Alexandra and often see children all over the streets and loitering with nothing to do, and this situation often leads to social issue and criminal issues for the children and if they can be taken off the streets, I will be the merrier.

“Football is one of the many sporting codes that takes our children off the streets and away from mischief, and if some people are doing just that, it resonates well with me and as a public school, we can not been to dragging our feet in assisting those helping to take our children off the streets.”

Seopa added the offer would inculcate into the minds of the children to learn to look after institutions and facilities that help to develop their talents and take them to greater heights.

“Schools are an extension of communities and we cannot afford to fold our arms and not offer help where its needed. I have been following the struggles of the team over the years and felt they have done enough alone to overcome the hurdles, and its about time we also play our part.”


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