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Mayor promises to ramp up service delivery in Alex

Johannesburg Executive Mayor Dr Mpho Phalatse promises to ramp up service delivery in the 'long forgotten township of Alexandra'.

Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg Dr Mpho Phalatse has promised to ramp up service delivery and the rollout of title deeds to the ‘forgotten community of Alexandra that embedded deep into my heart’.

Speaking at the handover of title deeds to 105 River Park residents that own RDP houses at a ceremony held at the East Bank Hall, Phalatse, who was accompanied by her MMC for Human Settlements Mlungisi Mabaso, said her multiparty administration has a service delivery passion for this community.

The Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg Dr Mpho Phalatse promises to ramp up service delivery in Alex. Photo: Sipho Siso

“I personally have a soft spot for Alex as I did my medical practical here at the Masakhane Clinic and I got to understand the community, their sufferings, problems, state of criminality and their dire needs for service delivery to improve their living conditions.

“I got to understand they are the long-forgotten community that has been neglected for far too long. We will clean up your streets, not just of the rubbish and filth, but of the crime that bedevils the community.

The Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg Dr Mpho Phalatse promises to ramp up service delivery in Alex. Photo: Sipho Siso

“The City has struck close working partnerships with various state safety organs such as your SAPS, Hawks, our own Metro police and other crime-fighting agencies to ensure we clean the streets of Alexandra of all criminals so that you can freely go on your daily chores without fear.”

The mayor promised to develop Alexandra to make sure it becomes a place that all can be proud of by getting rid of the niggling issues that hamper service delivery and development in the township.

The Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg Dr Mpho Phalatse promises to ramp up service delivery in Alex. Photo: Sipho Siso

“You know ARP [Alexandra Renewal Project] they just chowed down your money and never did anything for you. We are working hard to eliminate corruption in the city that hampers service delivery. Our forensic investigation teams will leave no stone unturned in their quest to unearth any wrongdoing.”

Phlatse also commended the work of the We Love Alexandra Community Makeover Project which she said they were working closely with. “They are currently inviting companies to invest in the township and to adopt blocks for the renovation programme. Exciting things are coming to Alexandra.”


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