IN PICTURES: Looting continues at Alex’s Pan Africa Mall

ALEX – The looters are taking all that is left from the stores. One looter shouted, "Let us clean up the remaining shops. There is nothing remaining to buy!"

The streets around Pan Africa Mall in Alex are filled with people carrying stolen groceries, with many still going in and out of the mall to loot the shops.

The Alex News intern-journalist, Comfort Makhanya, is on the scene and reports the looters are taking all that is left from the stores. One looter shouted, “Let us clean up the remaining shops. There is nothing remaining to buy!”

The looters can be seen entering a supermarket through the back entrance and escaping through a fence they broke down.

Police have closed in on the looters and have started firing tear gas. Some looters ran to the nearest houses to escape the police.

Take a look at the scene in pictures:

Photo: Comfort Makhanya

Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya
Photo: Comfort Makhanya

Taxis have started to operate again in the area:


Photo: Comfort Makhanya


ALSO READ: Alex Mall looting attempt nipped in bud, shops remain closed

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