Newly formed NGO donates sanitary pads to Alexandra High School learners

ALEXANDRA — Alex Men at Work believes that clinics should hand out sanitary pads for free in just the same way as condoms.

More than 100 sanitary pads were donated to learners at Alexandra High School on 24 May by the newly formed non-profit organisation, Alex Men at Work.

Alex Men at Work was formed by a group of men from Alex who go around the township donating sanitiser, sanitary pads, and food parcels to struggling members of the community.

The group of good Samaritans surprised Alex High School principal Zoleka Lebelo with boxes full of sanitary pads for her learners. Lebelo lauded the organisation saying the pads were definitely a need for learners who came from families that were less privileged.

“I thank Alex Men at Work for this donation as it will make a huge difference because we have been struggling with most of our learners who come to school not having enough pads during that time of the month,” said Lebelo.

Alexandra High School learners and principal accept sanitary pads from Alex Men at Work. Photo: Comfort Makhanya

Lebogang Diseko, chairperson of Alex Men at Work told Alex News that his organisation’s main mission was to give back to the community by helping those in need.

“This is just the beginning, and we are starting here at Alex High then we will move on to other schools around the township and homes for the elderly people to donate food,” Diseko said.

Alex Men at Work is of the view that clinics should hand out sanitary pads for free as is the case with condoms, to less privileged girls.

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