Alex crèche thanks community service providers

ALEXANDRA – Local service providers in Alexandra have been honoured for a 'job well done'.

Boitumelong Early Learning Centre recently held a ‘Thanks Giving’ ceremony to honour its service providers that rarely get acknowledged for the services they render to the community.

Those service providers honoured for a job well done’ included Alexandra police members, Pikitup, Gauteng Department of Health, Alex FM community radio station and hygiene services provider Bidvest Steiner.

The ceremony was held at the centre on 29 January and founder/manager Lunga Ncube said the purpose was to honour these service providers for not just providing an invaluable service to the centre but also the entire community of Alexandra.

“These are the service providers that we work closely with on a regular basis and their services extend to the community at large as well but being the human beings that we are that are so hard to please, we often offer more criticism than gratitude.

“This ‘Thanks Giving’ ceremony was meant to try and change that attitude within ourselves as a centre and as part of the bigger community of our beloved township. We do this on an annual basis so that others too can see the need not to criticise but also offer recognition where it’s due,” Ncube said.

She added that members of the service providers did not just do their work but also popped in at the centre from time to time ‘to check on us and see how we doing and ask us if there is anything more they can do for us’.

Members of the Alexandra police are among some of the service providers honoured at the Boitumelong Early Learning Centre. Photo: Supplied

She said Alex police came to the centre every two months to ask whether break-ins were still a problem and that Covid-19 protocols were being observed, and also to ask if the centre needed any help to comply with the regulations.

Pikitup, she said, came every two weeks to clean up a corner next to the centre that had been turned into a dumping ground. She added that members of the Gauteng Department of Health also constantly popped in to check on the adherence to Covid-19 protocols.

“Alex FM helped us with issues around the e-learning programme for children at home, not just those from the centre but others from other centres, and Bidvest Steiner regularly checks the centre’s hygiene and sanitation issues. This is a job well done and we will be forever grateful to them.”

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