Six tips to withdraw your stokvel contributions safely during the holiday season

FNB encourages stokvel clubs to adopt reasonable safety measures when withdrawing and sharing their money, to avoid becoming victims of crime.

The stokvel market remained resilient to the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, with contributions continuing throughout 2020. 

While many members are looking forward to splitting their stokvel dividends ahead of the holiday season, fraudsters are also eagerly waiting and looking for ways to scam members of their stokvel contributions.

According to Sifiso Nkosi, Growth manager at FNB Cash Investments, Stokvel-related robberies and thefts are most prevalent at this time of year, and the bank encourages stokvel clubs to adopt reasonable safety measures when withdrawing and sharing their money, to avoid becoming victims of crime.

Nkosi shares six safety tips stokvel groups should consider when withdrawing their savings this holiday season.

“We urge members to exercise extreme caution with their money and always remember that there are safer ways to do transactions, such as internet transfers or mobile banking, instead of carrying large amounts of cash,” he said. “Lastly, we encourage members to save a portion of their pay-out to help them survive the long coming and dreaded January in the new year,” Nkosi concluded.

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