Suspect comes back for firearm after housebreaking and robbery in Alex

ALEX – After leaving, the suspect came back and demanded his firearm.

Police detectives are investigating a housebreaking and robbery case in Alexandra that happened on 2 November at about 2.40am.

Speaking on the case, Sergeant Simphiwe Mbatha of Alexandra Police Station said a 35-year-old complainant alleged that on the night of the incident, he was woken up by a gun-wielding man.

“He put a firearm to the head of the complainant and instructed him not to look at him. He hit him with the firearm and tied his hands with shoelaces. He also tied up the complainant’s wife,” he said.

Mbatha added that the suspect took two cell phones and a Samsung TV. “After leaving, the suspect came back and demanded his firearm. He started looking for it but he soon left when he could not find it.”

The victim then called his sister who was sleeping in another room to come untie them.

The suspect has not been arrested and the investigation is ongoing.

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