Covid-19: Sanitise bin lids, advises Pikitup

ALEX – This, when proper health and hygiene – which is a challenge in Alexandra – is emphasised as part of the mitigating measures against the scourge. 

The Joburg City Council’s waste management entity Pikitup appealed to residents to sanitise their bin lids as the lockdown amid the coronavirus pandemic continues.

This, when proper health and hygiene – which is a challenge in Alexandra – is emphasised as part of the mitigating measures against the scourge.

The appeal in the statement comes at time when unsupervised children are sometimes seen playing next to illegal dumpsites and rivulets along the streets and bins used as goalposts for impromptu street games. Even amid the lockdown.

The agency said while its crews have protective clothing, the residents should be extra cautious and protect themselves when handling the bins and should tie the waste plastic bags. “The garden sites in the seven regions of the city, found on, are operational for residents to dispose their excess waste and recyclable.

The agency further warned against fake messages on social media, telling residents to donate tinned food or money to the crews.

“It’s against policy, and crews involved should be identified and reported through their truck registration numbers, time and area of incident to, 011 712 5200.”

Also read: Covid-19: Alex streets in pictures during first two days of lockdown

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