
Housing department introduce contractor to fix sewer at Helen Joseph and Madala Hostels

ALEXANDRA– Simelane said the ultimate goal of the department was to convert these hostels into family units and the current emergency renovations were in line with Covid-19 requirements.

The MMC for Housing in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Mlungisi Mabaso recently returned to Helen Joseph Women’s Hostel to introduce a company to renovate the dilapidated residential accommodation.

This was after his visit earlier this year to check living conditions at M1 Madala Hostel and Helen Joseph Women’s Hostel in Alexandra.

The MMC’s strategic adviser Wisemen Simelane said the contractor was appointed to fix water pumps, conduct industrial cleaning, unblock sewerage pipes and do gas maintenance at Helen Joseph Women’s Hostel.

“Seeing the situation and conditions in which residents were living during his visit at M1 Madala Hostel and Helen Joseph Women’s Hostels earlier this year, the MMC took a decision to allocate a budget to fix water and sewerage pipes to these two hostels. He went to Helen Joseph Women’s Hostel to introduce the contractor who will deal with those emergency interventions.”

Simelane said the ultimate goal of the department was to convert these hostels into family units and the current emergency renovations were in line with Covid-19 requirements.

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