Early school birds to catch the matric worm

ALEXANDRA – Realogile Secondary School shares its 2019 matric experience statistics.

Early preparations for this year’s matric examinations appears to be the motto for Realogile Secondary School.

This was evident when the school took the current Grade 12 class through their paces a week before the official school year opening on 15 January. “The pupils and their parents agreed to this arrangement last year in October and most of the 180 pupils pitched up for the early start in learning,” principal Matthews Choshi said.

Realogile’s matrics attend class before the official opening of schools. Photo: Leseho Manala

He added that the early start would also enable the teachers to complete the curriculum for all the subjects in July and enable essential revision and support work for the learners before the final examinations. The early start, he added, would particularly assist the progressed learners and others struggling with learning.

Realogile matrics prepare for the year. Photo: Leseho Manala

“Last year’s class had 88 progressed pupils who with 53 others comprised almost half the class which struggled throughout the year,” he said, concerned that they may have lowered the 2019 pass rate among the 250 who wrote the exams. He attributed the struggling 53 partly to their disinterest in home language subjects, those who transferred to the school after Grade 10 from independent schools which taught only English or Afrikaans and also the lack of eagerness in parents of inter-language marriages to help and support their children in choosing subjects of their strength.

Realogile matrics prepare for the year. Photo: Leseho Manala

Choshi also urged the school’s former learners who had studied at tertiary education institutions or had been successful in business ventures to give back to the school. “Their adoption and support of the school programmes and presence on odd occasions will motivate their successors.”

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