Be alert of cyber criminals

ALEXANDRA – Fake specials -If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

A training company advised citizens to be alert of cybercriminals while enjoying the festive season.

“From Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the holiday season is a sea of shopping, laughter, gifts and entertainment and also, of security risks, hacks and fraudsters lurking on the edges of the festive fun,” said Anna Collard, managing director of Popcorn Training.

In a statement Collard said, “You want to give the best possible gifts or find the best possible deals, but you need to approach your shopping and gift-giving with a measure of common sense and security awareness.” Crime, she said, was both on the street and online, targeting citizens’ bank accounts, credit card details and personal information. Be aware of fake Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, charity tricksters, fake gift cards and vouchers, fake mobile apps and bogus shipping notices.

Collard advises as follows:

Collard urged citizens to invest in antivirus software, only open attachments they expect, not to click on pop-up ads and overly brilliant offers, check their URLs, and download only trusted apps.

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