Recycle to reduce waste footprint this festive holidays.

ALEXANDRA – Start the new year as a friend to mother earth.

Citizens have been urged to adopt a recycling spirit to reduce their waste footprint this festive holidays.

The request is from RecyclePaperZA company, a member of the Paper Recycling Association of South Africa. RecyclePaperZA’s general manager, Anele Sololo, said in a statement, “Starting from the early festive shopping sprees and online shopping deliveries, you might find yourself with more paper packaging than you know what to do with.

“Not only vital for protecting our goods from the shop to the front door, but cardboard boxes can also be reused, repurposed and recycled.”

He also urged people to use the time to declutter. “It’s a great time to assess our waste footprint and recycling habits. In 2018, South Africa recovered 1.285 million tonnes of paper and paper packaging, representing a rate of 71.7 per cent. That’s nearly 1.3 million tonnes of stuff that didn’t end up in landfill, but instead went into making new packaging or tissue products.”

Sololo urged citizens to do their bit and get sorting, separating and paper recycling by the following 12 easy tips:

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