Gender-based violence victim hails Ikhaya Lethemba for its role in changing her life

BRAAMFONTEIN– Mbatha said the help she received at Ikhaya Lethemba One Stop Centre helped her overcome all her fears.

The scars of losing her sweetheart and best friend at the hands of heartless criminals four years ago will not fade easily away in the mind of Jabu Mbatha.

Mbatha, who was raped and heard her fiancé Zukisi Thela crying out for help when the group of thugs ambushed them and another other couple at Rhodes Park in the evening of 17 October 2015 said the road to traumatic recovery has been difficult for her.

“I am grateful that today I can stand in front of people and share my painful story without shedding a tear. I want to be a living testimony and help other women who suffered pain at the hands of men. It is true that memories of that painful day will not fade away in my mind but I’ve learned to accept that it happened and there is no way I can reverse it.”

Mbatha said the help she received at Ikhaya Lethemba One Stop Centre, under the auspices of the Provincial Community Safety Department helped her overcome her fears and insecurities.

She said the four life sentences that were given to each of the eight perpetrators who brutally killed her partner gave her hope and trust in the justice system but could not help her overcome the effect and trauma she had to go through every day.

“After the incident I wanted to end my life and follow Zukisi. I felt like there was no life or future ahead of me to live for, but the counselling and things I learned from Ikhaya Lethemba opened a new page in my life.

” I realised that my life story can be an instrument to help other victims of gender-based violence.”

Mbatha who recently got married to her new husband added that her attention has shifted from mourning the death of Thela and she was forging ahead with building her life and create new memories.

“I’m currently in the process of furthering my studies. I have realised that without education I cannot achieve my goals. I am awaiting my application’s response from Unisa to study teaching from next year. I want to tell all women who have suffered gender-based violence that there is a way out to a new life and they must not keep silent when they are struggling to cope.”

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