Businessman on gun possession rap

ALEXANDRA – Attempt to secure spaza backfires for owner.


A businessman’s attempt to safeguard his spaza shop backfired on him when he was found guilty of possessing a firearm without a licence.

Luckily, Alex Mqiba was able to return to his shop albeit with his rights curtailed after a sentence of eight years was handed to him in the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court which was suspended for five years on condition he refrained from committing a similar or related offence.

The police were tipped off about the gun and officers went to his shop which he allowed them to search. They found the weapon with its serial numbers filed off and he was arrested after admitting to the possession of a gun without a licence. He claimed to have acquired the gun for protection after he was previously robbed.

Related article:

Policeman accused of possessing an illegal firearm

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