Jail bird back in familiar territory

ALEXANDRA – Man piles up his criminal record.


An Alex man with previous criminal records was sentenced by the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court to eight years’ imprisonment for housebreaking and theft.

The transgressions of accused Tshilidzi Mudau (26) date back to 2011 when he was still a juvenile. He was arrested on 12 August after a victim’s house was broken into on 6 August. Household items including duvets and blankets were found missing together with two cell phones and R400 in cash.

The victim who had gone to work was alerted by her children who found the home messed up when they returned home from school.

Neighbours who knew the accused saw him carrying black bags with contents. He told them that he had been given the items by his parents but was looking for a buyer as he didn’t like the items.

When alerted of the housebreaking, the neighbours asked him about the items and he led them to a female buyer who said she had bargained for them from R1 000 to R100. The accused was arrested and most of the items were recovered except for the cell phones and R200 in cash.

His past offences include a 2011 robbery which earned him life skills in juvenile detention; a five-year sentence for housebreaking and theft in 2013 and six months’ sentence suspended for four years for theft in 2018. The four years were reinstated and added to the four-year sentence he received for the recent offence.

Related article:

Stats SA finds that housebreaking is the number one crime in SA

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