Gender violence gets the big boot

ALEXANDRA – No to gender-based violence gains traction in Alex


Alex men heeded the national outcry against gender-based violence by playing the world’s most beloved sport.

In their hundreds, they gathered at Altrec Sports Complex to sweat it out in 7-a-side soccer games and put their signature to the campaign which is gaining traction in the national discourse. A campaign that President Cyril Ramaphosa has allocated R1 billion to.

Alex soccer players pledged against gender-based violence. Photo: Leseho Manala

As the main perpetrators of this violence, the men, as fathers, uncles, and brothers, wanted to be counted as partners with changed attitudes and conduct towards women.

Teams wait their chance at a soccer tournament against gender-based violence.

Forty-five teams gathered and played from morning to evening after pledging their resolve. The winning team received an R10 000 cheque, the runners-up got R3 000 and third place received soccer kits.

Girls join men in the campaign against gender-based violence. Photo: Leseho Manala

The event conveners were NPOs Takuwani Riime (stand up and be counted) and Father A Nation who have been hard at work creating awareness among men in the township about gender-based violence. Like other areas nationally, the violence makes women cower at the sight of men including in their homes and on the streets. Many will survive the rest of their lives bearing scars from being battered and many are forced to protect their abusers who are often their sole breadwinners.

Sipho Khohlakele and Banele Sanqcozi say no to gender-based violence.
Photo: Leseho Manala

Commending the occasion, Banele Sanqcozi of the Alexandra NorthRand Local Football Association said the men used the power of sport to unite and show that men cared about the scourge. “They want to return home daily to happy families they should be protecting. Our pledge to stop the abuse will be included in a video, documentary or advert for public consumption through various media forms,” Sanqozi said.

Sweating out against gender-based violence. Photo: Leseho Manala

Sipho Khohlakale, deputy chairperson of Takuwani Riime praised the presidential pronouncement on the campaign. “It will give impetus and impact on our work and events like this will enable those championing the cause among fathers and men to achieve desired awareness and change attitudes and violent conduct towards women.”

Girls entertain at a men’s soccer tournament against gender-based violence in Alex. Photo: Leseho Manala

He referred to the scourge as a double-edged sword for men who are brought up to believe that men did not cry. “The platform should also assist those who are abused by women in the home and in intimate partnerships to reveal their challenge and seek help.” He urged for partnerships with women’s groups to ensure sustainable solutions for peaceful co-existence in society.

Men play soccer in Alex in a campaign against gender-based violence. Photo: Leseho Manala

Zizi Phomtwesi of Father a Nation urged the partner organisations to intensify the campaign through trained mentors who engaged with groups of men daily on specific topics about the scourge.

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