
Jail bird’s woes compound

ALEXANDRA – Accused accomplices lure robbed victim into pothole.

A Soweto man with previous criminal records will serve a seven-year jail term this time around for the unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition.

Sizwe Ndlovu (29) of Zola, who has previous convictions for theft in 2008 and robbery in 2014, was found guilty by the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court for the possession of a gun and eight bullets belonging to a motorcyclist who was involved in an accident.

The victim had been riding behind two vehicles which occupied both lanes. The vehicle in the right lane gave way for him to pass. As he did so, unknowingly, he saw a pothole and applied the brakes but it was too late. He fell from the bike when it went into the pothole.

As he lay on the road, six men appeared. They searched him and took his wallet containing R3 000. The accused snatched the gun from the motorcyclist and ran into a nearby bush.

The accomplices re-erected a danger warning tape they had on them, around the pothole.

The victim believes they had actually removed the tape earlier to cause the accident.

Afterwards, the suspects disappeared into the bush and he was found soon after by police on patrol. On hearing his dilemma, they searched the bush and returned with the accused who they found with the victim’s loaded gun.

The victim was assisted to a hospital while the accused was detained, pending his court hearing.

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