CPFs fight the fight against crime

JOHANNESBURG – Community organisations and development workers should cooperate with community policing forums to mobilise community support in the fight against crime.

According to a released statement by the South African Police Service (SAPS), community policing forums (CPF) were set up to involve all local stakeholders and key organisations in local policing.

CPFs meet regularly with the officers in charge of the local police station and discuss problems and solutions to crime in their area. The adoption of community policing did not only turn around the crime situation but changed the way the police address crime.

The SAPS said that for community policing to be successful, it is important for members of the community to realise and accept that they also have a social and moral obligation to assist and support the police in the fight against crime, and other forms of social disorder. With the support and involvement of the community, the police will be in a position to meet the safety and security needs of the country.

The South African Police Service added that community organisations and development workers have to cooperate with community policing forums to mobilise community support in the fight against crime. This includes:

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