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Dr Knack hosts careers’ day of note

ALEXANDRA – Dr Knack learners brace for high school and future careers.


Dr Knack Primary School displayed some of the nation’s future doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers, chefs and soccer players at a recent career day.

The annual event, hosted by the school’s life orientation department, was for the outgoing 171 Grade 7 learners.

Teacher Nomthandazo Ngidi said the event aimed to prepare the children for high school as well as their adult and professional lives thereafter. “It’s been three months in the making with them researching and aligning their personal interests with professions of their liking,” Ngidi said.

Chefs on career day at Dr. Knack Primary School. Photo: Leseho Manala

“Today, they prove the results of their work through role-play and articulation of their preferred future endeavours.”

The task she said, motivated the learners to have and aspire to achieve their dreams and make appropriate subject choices leading to their desired professions. “When fully prepared, they will be confident when in higher grades and as juniors, be able to withstand challenges, intimidation and other distraction heaped on them by their ill-disciplined senior school mates.”

Ngidi added that the initiative also reduces school dropouts and self-doubt as they will have been exposed to their strength and potential. Past events also encouraged parents to indulge in their children’s career passions. She equated the group with their grade R school mates saying they were the most important make or break stages of the children’s future.

Chefs on career day at Dr. Knack Primary School. Photo: Leseho Manala

The prospective professionals displayed their career passions clad in befitting gear and verbal and physical expressions. In front of the board, the future teachers lauded the profession for sharing knowledge and enlightening society. The chefs mimicked the food preparation industry through skills horned from home, universities and culinary schools. “I want to own my own restaurant,” one of them said while another explained that he is poised to feature on television programmes as one of the top chefs.

The scientists were up to the task having mastered key and difficult to pronounce words by ordinary humans, knew of the seven years of slog required to qualify – this in a profession that ‘helps to improve human life, get human being exploring outer space, being good decision-makers, analysts and mathematicians of note.’

Future engineers start with the basics for human mobility. Photo: Leseho Manala

The engineers who were in overalls and fixing bicycles where content to remain grounded and ensuring safe mobility on the two-wheelers. The doctors and nurses were replete with white dust coats and stethoscopes while fashion designers displayed their fabric-based inventions.

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