MMC Mpho Phalatse concerned over improperly disposed medication

JOHANNESBURG – MMC for Health and Social Development Dr Mpho Phalatse encouraged Joburg residents to properly dispose of expired medication.

The MMC for Health and Social Development Dr Mpho Phalatse has expressed her concern at the lack of care taken while disposing of medical waste.

This follows after she came across unused high blood pressure and diabetes medicine, as well as a full packet of condoms, during a recent  A Re Sebetseng clean-up campaign.

Phalatse called upon all Joburg residents not to take medication if they know they will not use them.

“As an administration, we are concerned over the lack of proper methods for medical waste, particularly unused and expired medication, most of which are disposed of incorrectly, posing a health hazard for residents and the environment,” said Phalatse.

“Patients and caregivers are encouraged to remove expired, unwanted, or unused medicines from their homes as quickly as possible to help reduce the chance that others accidentally take, or intentionally misuse, the unneeded medicine, and to help reduce drugs from entering the environment.”

Phalatse said she has instructed the City’s Primary Health Care unit to educate the public on disposing of unwanted, expired or unused medicines.

The City of Johannesburg’s health promoters provide guidance and awareness on a daily basis on the best way to dispose of a particular medication, including: 

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