Police arrest the mother for the attempted murder of her own child

ALEXANDRA – A woman tried to kill her one-year-old child at home while the grandmother was doing laundry outside the house.

A 24-year-old woman has been remanded in custody after she briefly appeared in the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court on 2 July for attempted murder.

Alexandra Police Station spokesperson Captain Stephen Malatjie said, “At around 1 pm on Sunday, 30 June, a woman aged 24 was arrested after she had tried to hang her one-year-old child. Apparently, the mother of the child locked herself and the child inside the house while the child’s grandmother was doing laundry outside the house. The grandmother became suspicious when she heard the child crying inside the house.

“She rushed into the house and her daughter refused to open the door of the room and that was when she realised that something was wrong inside. Looking through the window, she saw her daughter and the child with a rope around the neck.

“She broke the window and jumped into the house and saved the child from being hanged by her daughter who was on the bed trying to hang the child from the roof.”

The mother was later arrested by the police and charged with attempted murder of her child.

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