Compatriot’s murder suspect abandons bail

ALEXANDRA – Lesotho IT student's murder case deepens.

A man appearing at Alexandra Magistrates’ Court for murder and attempted concealment of a female victim’s corpse abandoned his bail application.

Accused Napo Mashike (25) a Lesotho national and IT student who is charged with the murder of a 40-year-old female compatriot opted for trial scheduled for 27 June. This amid allegations by other media (Sunday World ) that he is also wanted for rape in his home country Lesotho and in India.

He was reported in Alex News’ Man thwarted from concealing a murder [Week ending 7 June]to have admitted in court, involvement in the death of the victim, a friend to his sister who leaves behind a nine-year-old son. His claim that she was his lover was disputed by the victim’s family. The incident occurred at his place in a Midrand complex at night on 4 May.

Drivers of App-based taxi services he called to carry the body away refused and reported him to the Midrand Police Station. The officers found the victim’s body dumped in his bin after a security guard at the complex refused to let him drag it out of the place. He claimed to police that the victim died after he chocked her in a drinking and drug-smoking spree. This after she allegedly did the same as she resisted his sexual advance. A pillowcase matching his bedding found in the bin forms part of the evidence in this gruesome incident.

Sunday World’s ‘Midrand strangler’ raped twice before) referred to the police in Lesotho and in India where he was a student, confirming that he is wanted for raping two female victims in March and September 2016. The case may be headed for the high court.

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