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Residents of Alexandra vows to demolish any illegal structures in and around the township

ALEXANDRA – Some community members accused Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) provincial chairperson Mandisa Mashego in the meeting of misleading the Human Rights Commission.

The community members of Alexandra have vowed to stop the City of Johannesburg from rebuilding illegal structures that were demolished by the Red Ants in Maponyane Village on 31 May this year.

Scores of community members converged in Sankopano Community Hall on 6 June to discuss the recent development on service delivery issues in a meeting that was organised by leaders of the Total Shutdown Movement in which members of the media were not welcome.

Members of the community that attended the meeting and the leaders of the shutdown movement agreed that they will not allow any kind of illegal structures to be erected in and around Alexandra.
Some community members accused Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) provincial chairperson Mandisa Mashego in the meeting of misleading the Human Rights Commission during her party’s oral submissions in the Alex Inquiry on 5 June in Braamfontein.

“It’s high time that we claim back our township to its rightful owners. We will not allow outsiders to come here and mess with our township. Mashaba and Mandisa who knows nothing about Alexandra must take their people to refugee camps. This nonsense stops now and we will fight for what is ours even it costs us our lives, we are ready to die for our land,” said one of the community members.

The leaders of the movement and the community members agreed in the meeting that they will embark in a mass action next week on a day that will only be communicated among members of the community who share the same views about what is happening in Alex.

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