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Update – Joburg Mayor Herman Mashaba initiates an independent investigation into Alex evictions

ALEXANDRA – After his visit to Alexandra on Monday, the mayor wants an investigation to determine who gave the orders to demolish the homes.

Joburg mayor Herman Mashaba has written to the City manager, Dr Ndivho Lukwareni directing him to initiate an independent investigation into the process leading to the eviction of residents in Alexandra on 31 May.

Local residents were up in arms after the Red Ants overseen by the Metro police demolished what was described as ‘illegal structures.’

Mashaba said, “After visiting the area yesterday afternoon and meeting with those impacted by the demolitions, my concerns that the processes were flouted have been confirmed. Residents of the area were able to demonstrate to me how the demolition fell short of the legal obligations of the City of Johannesburg. ”

The investigation will look into where the orders came from and how the process departed from the standard procedure.

The mayor wants accountability saying nor he or the offices of the MMC for Public Safety were informed about the demolition, completely flouting their oversight role of the legality of the operation.

“The desperation around housing and landlessness in Johannesburg, and the country at large, has been borne of many years of government failure to meet the rising demands in metropolitan areas.”

Mashaba said they would rebuild the homes but admitted it was a short term solution.

Related article:

Joburg Mayor Herman Mashaba meets Alex residents following house demolitions


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