Alex police urge parents and community members to look after their children

ALEXANDRA – Rangwanashe said he saw a need to go to the police and report the matter with the men in blue to investigate the matter.

The Alexandra police have urged parents to look after their children and ensure that children do not leave their line of sight at all times.

This was after three individuals were reportedly spotted driving up and down in Lolo Kekana Street, Ext 10 taking pictures of children with cameras.

According to Richard Rangwanashe, the father of a seven-year-old boy who noticed something strange while playing with his friends on the street. “On Friday the 15th of March my son and his friends were playing in Lolo Street in Ext 10 when they noticed two men and one woman driving a VW Polo and a Quantum minibus driving around and taking photos of children on the street,” said Rangwanashe.

“He reported this incident to me and I said to myself, it was just local people. On Saturday the 16th of March and Sunday the 17th the same people, driving the same cars were spotted again. I then asked my son’s friends about this, they also gave me the same information that my son gave me.”

Rangwanashe said he saw a need to go to the police and report the matter to the men in blue to investigate the matter.

Alexandra Police Station spokesperson Stephen Malatjie said the police will look at the matter and issued a warning to parents and community members at large.

“We are not taking this matter lightly. Children are being kidnapped and trafficked every day. We call upon parents and guardians to ensure that their children are always playing where they can see them,” Malatjie said.

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