City of Johannesburg steps up fight against TB

The city of Johannesburg has stepped up its efforts to eradicate the debilitating disease.

The City of Johannesburg has announced its plans to fight against tuberculosis (TB) TB. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) TB remains an epidemic in the developing world.

WHO said South Africa has one of the highest burdens of TB, which is the leading cause of death. The WHO estimates that in 2017, South Africa had 322 000 new cases of active TB.

“As part of an international push to eliminate TB, the clinics in the City of Johannesburg will create awareness and screen patients for TB and HIV/Aids. An important part of this year’s outreach will be to find the missing patients who were diagnosed but did not commence or continue with their treatment programme,” said the City of Johannesburg in the statement.

The City said nurses will encourage TB patients to take their treatments.

“TB screening and treatment is free at all City clinics. The City’s clinics will also be conducting community outreach programs to support families with individuals who have TB. Nurses will also encourage patients on TB treatment to complete their treatment”

The City of Johannesburg Health and Social Department have urged residents to visit the clinics if they notice any symptoms of TB.

“The most common TB symptoms include a persistent cough that continues for more than two weeks; a fever that lasts for longer than 14 days; unexplained weight loss; drenching night sweats and sudden fatigue among children.

“Although TB is infectious, you would have to spend a prolong time in close proximity with someone who has it before you can contract it yourself. TB infection usually spreads between family members who live in the same house.”

City of Johannesburg’s Public Health Manager Edwin Madibogo, has urged people to take treatments to cure TB.

“TB is curable. To prevent the spread of TB, patients need to take their treatment every day for 180 days (six months) even if they feel better. If not, they can get sick again,” he said.

He added that people should support TB patients and not isolate them.

“The lack of social support is one of the main reasons that patients do not finish their treatment.”

Related article: 

Tuberculosis: How can we protect ourselves?

SA becomes the first country to scale up access to TB drug

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