Stjwetla community urged to put their trust in God and in themselves

ALEXANDRA – Those affected by the fire said they were very grateful to the church for coming to their aid.

Hundreds of families at Stjwetla Informal Settlement who lost their shacks after the inferno on 5 March received tons of food parcels and clothes from the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God.

Pastors and members of the local a church visited the area to lend a helping hand to the victims of the fire which completely destroyed their homes after a power pylon reportedly fell on one of the shacks as reported in the Alex News article ‘We’ve lost alles’ [Week ending 15 March].

Speaking to the fire victims during donations handover, Pastor Bongani Mandlasi said the church understands the pain residents were going through and they came to sympathise with them. He said donated food parcels and clothes were not sufficient to help them escape suffering but only God can pull them out of it.

Stjwetla residents receive food and clothing donations. Photo: Nduduzo Nxumalo

“We came here to today to lend a helping hand to those of you who lost everything during the fire incident. We brought you food parcels and clothes donated by the church. However you should know that these donations are only temporally, food will finish and clothes will get old.”

“The only one who can give you everlasting peace and take out of your troubles is God and you must always put your trust in Him and yourselves,” Mandlasi said.

He also appealed to young people not to fall in the trap drugs and the so-called ‘blessers’ who drive around with fancy cars, taking advantage of young girls especially those from poor families.

Fire victims receive food donations from the local church. Photo: Nduduzo Nxumalo

Those affected by the inferno said they were very grateful that the church came to their aid and offered them prayers which they believe will go beyond the pain of the flesh and heal their souls.


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