Bold leadership needed for Alex

ALEXANDRA – Tsotetsi urges for collective action to crime summit commitment.

Alex’s problems are complex and will continue to compound in the absence of bold leadership.

This was said by the Alexandra Constituency ANC member of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature, Godfrey Tsotetsi in response to wide-ranging questions on challenges facing the township.

Uncertain if he will retain the legislative position after the 8 May Provincial and National General Elections if his party won, Tsotetsi attributed the death of Ubuntu in society as the main cause for the problems. “It’s from the folly of leaders reneging on their duty of guiding citizens to uphold their moral responsibilities to each other and the nation.

“Crime, gender-based violence and child abuse thrive where there is no order, respect and values are ignored.”

Tsotetsi referred specifically to the ‘red label’ of high crime rate of contact crimes given to the Alexandra Police Station in a recent national crime report. “A crime summit held last year revealed the depth of the challenge and all stakeholders and residents committed to partner with SAPS, Metro police and the Community Police Forum in getting rid of this cancer in the township.”

He said meetings were being arranged with the police management to solidify the townships’ anti-crime plans and campaigns.

Also, Tsotetsi attributed the challenge to lethargy in the reaction of the three tiers of government. “Delays complicate the challenge and encourage residents and society, in general, to act illegally thinking that doing so would hasten the public service’s response to poor service delivery. “Unfortunately, this leads to destructive protests, their prosecution and unnecessary criminal records.”

He said this in reference to investigations by the departments of human settlement’s anti-corruption unit and public safety into the alleged corrupt allocation of houses, where some residents are going through the courts for conducting alleged illegal evictions. Tsotetsi said they should allow the law to take its course and arrests will be made if the corruption proves to be true.

He added that Premier David Makhura also visited and saw the terrible living conditions of hostel residents and will feedback soon on concrete solutions.

Tsotetsi said a land task team is engaging land and property rights organisations on a programme to hand over properties and title deeds to rightful owners. This he said is part of government’s housing master plan and complements the release of state land for holistic development purposes.

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