Local actress and scriptwriter urges youth to stay focus during this festive season

ALEXANDRA – Don't exchange what is eternal for a short moment of pleasure.


A local actress and scriptwriter Refilwe ‘Fifi’ Pieterse has appealed to the youth of Alexandra not to lose focus of their dreams during this festive season.

According to Pieterse, it is during this time of the year that most youngsters, especially in townships like Alex, tend to get themselves into trouble.

Pieterse who runs a foundation that offers free classes for aspiring actors and scriptwriters every Friday in Sankopano Community Centre. In her message to local youngsters for this year’s festive season, she said she perceives the festive season as a few weeks in a year in which many youngsters lose their dreams as girls fall pregnant and some even lose their lives because of bad decisions.

“You can’t exchange your dream for such a short period of time in pleasure. Life comes with choices and the good choices you make today will influence your life positively,” she said.

“You have an opportunity to choose what you want and where you want to be in life in the future. However, if your choice is influenced by bad decision this festive season it stands a good chance of disappearing with pleasure. Have fun but avoid bad company and friends whose goals are only short-term goals.”

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