Choir gogos celebrate a fantastic year

SANDRINGHAM – The Region E choir hosted a special celebration at Thembalami Care Centre for their recent participation in the Provincial Music Festival.


A joyous celebration was held at Thembalami Care Centre for the Region E choir who participated in the recent Provincial Music Festival.

The event was held on 30 November. Co-conductor of the choir Molefi Mabasa said the choir is a form of an active ageing programme that brings elderly individuals from around Alexandra together.

Rosinah Nthite and Margaret Madinane.

The festival saw the choir sing three pieces alongside four other regional choirs. “The festival was great. It was fun interacting with other people. It’s extremely important for the elderly to engage and spend time with events like this,” Mabasa said.

The celebration also gave the 60 choir members the opportunity to meet up for their end-of-year function. Masaba added that the gathering was meant to celebrate the hard work that every put into this year.

Tlou Sebola and Morongwa Molefe with the choir’s trophy.

Co-conductor Nthabiseng Nthabane said, “Thank you to all choristers for their hard work and time.”

The party was attended by Ward 81 councillor Irene Rugheimer who expressed support for the brilliant work that the choir had done. The choir members shared a special lunch together and sang songs to commemorate their year.

Details: Thembalami Care Centre 011 882 4434.

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