School wishes transferring child well

ALEXANDRA –Dad's undying love is basis for daughter's move to boarding school.


Pholosho Junior Secondary School wished well, a learner who was recently in a parental tug of attention while she prepares to transfer to a boarding school.

The 14-year old Grade 7 schoolgirl was enrolled by her father, Eseuvao Namarogolo, at a Roman Catholic school for next year where hopefully, she will be fended off from the tug and help her concentrate on school work. The saga which featured in Alex News is said by the school to have dipped her average performance. Her teacher was relieved by the news saying she will need emotional help to overcome the confusion and disinterest she has developed in her school work.

Namarogolo of Kew who raised the daughter from infancy after her mother Juliet Madinane, now staying in Orange Farm, abandoned them, showed the new school’s registration papers and committed to paying the high school fees.

“It’s in her interest and no one will take away her education, the only hope she has for a better future,” he said brushing aside what he regarded the mother’s attempt to create fissures between him and the child of whom he was granted legal custody.

He further alleged that she had misinformed the child on her paternity yet he knew that he was the dad. Also, he blamed a dance group for distracting the child from her studies resulting in a court injunction being granted against them in the interest of the child’s welfare. Yet, it is said they may still be having access to her for reasons beyond just the dance lessons.

Namarogolo further said when she returned to school and was placed in foster care, she didn’t submit the school report to him. “I was distressed when a copy of the results showed her waning performance hence the decision to enrol her in boarding school. “The teacher said she requires support in a contained and controlled space to help reorient her mindset towards school work.” This was said also against false allegations that he was too strict and also abused her in an attempt to deflect from the father doing the good and best he wished for her child to progress in life.

Social workers and school governing body (SGB) members who contributed in stabilising the child after her return to Pholosho for the few remaining months wished her well in her sojourn to a different and hopefully enabling environment where she is wished all the best.

SGB member Lucia Poko said the father was just a victim of unsavoury shenanigans which shouldn’t be allowed to occur particularly where children are involved. “It’s a decent man whose wish is to do the best for her child. Those with ulterior motives should stay away from the child as she renews her life in a safe educational environment even during the holidays.”

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