
Murder case awaits postmortem report

ALEXANDRA – Murder accused brought back from Eastern Cape hideout.


A man charged with murder was remanded in custody by the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court pending a postmortem report and further investigation.

The 20-year-old suspect was arrested at his home in the Eastern Cape on 3 October and brought to Gauteng for the trial of the incident which occurred midday on 23 July in 4th Avenue, Alexandra.

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Witnesses who are known to the suspect were with the victim. They said the suspect walked passed them while they were seated at one of the homes. He turned around and asked why they were looking at him. The victim apparently said to have stood up and told the suspect that he should know the reason. This was seemingly said in reference to a cell phone that he allegedly stole from the victim’s neighbour. This prompted in an altercation between the two, with no one trying to separate them although for a few are said to have screamed in response.

Read: Alex residents urged to report crime

The accused went into an alley and the victim followed despite pleas that he shouldn’t. Shortly after, he emerged from the alley with blood flowing profusely from his neck from a stab wound. The witnesses tried to stop the bleeding and took him to the Alex Community Health Care Centre where he died shortly after while others went to report the incident at the Alex Police Station.

The accused disappeared from the area until his arrest.

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