Alleged house robber denies knowledge of accomplices

ALEXANDRA – Injured alleged house robber awaits further hearing


A man charged with house robbery was remanded in custody by the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court pending further hearing.

Vote Nkomo was nabbed in Marlboro an hour after breaking into a Bryanston home at 8 pm on 12 September with three others who evaded arrest.

The gang broke into the house and restrained a couple who were checking their bikes in a garage. They searched the house and brought the couple’s son and daughter from other rooms and tied all four with shoelaces. They forced them to lie down and demanded money, a safe and jewellery. They ransacked the place and took three television sets, jewellery, R8 000 in cash and drove away in the family’s Nissan motor vehicle. The husband untied himself and the others and reported the incident to the police who sent out an alert.

When the stolen vehicle was spotted an hour later at the intersection of 4th Avenue and 6th Sreet, Marlboro, the driver sped away resulting in a high-speed chase and shoot-out between the gang and the police. The chase ended when three of the gang members jumped from the moving vehicles and escaped. The vehicle stopped after hitting a wall and the accused who got injured as he jumped out was arrested. He denied knowledge of the accomplices and spent over a month being treated at a hospital under police guard before his court appearance.


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