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One in five citizens are addicts

ALEXANDRA – SA in war against substance abuse.

Despite the country’s multi-billion-rand fight against drug and substance abuse, the effort still falls short of the desired effect.

Instead, the investment is said to only make a dent in the economy every year without much impact due to, in part, a lack of willingness to categorise addiction as a medical condition as is done globally.

Read: Top 8 most used drugs by SA youth

This is according to the South African Medical Journal in relation to the ravages of drug and substance abuse countrywide. Alex News has reported many times on the drug problems in Alex.

In a statement, the journal said almost 20 per cent or one in five citizens abuse mind-altering substances, with alcohol, pain-killers and dagga the worst used. “Rising figures of illicit drug use suggest the country is losing the war on drugs with the annual cost of alcohol abuse alone, in terms of absenteeism, lost productivity, health and welfare costs and alcohol-related crime estimated to be 10 per cent of Gross Domestic Product,” read the statement. Or, about R37,9 billion annually based on a 2014 study by the journal.

This is despite the country’s progressive legislation on preventing and treating drug and alcohol dependency, and the comprehensive national Drug Master Plan which is aligned to latest strategies endorsed by the World Health Organisation.

Read: It’s never late to quit drugs

Dr Eugene Allers, member of the South African Society of Psychiatrists said, “Implementing the plan on multi-disciplinary medical intervention is hampered by lack of funding in preference for the ‘old ideas of treatment’ which focus on social rehabilitation, encouragement of abstinence and behaviour change.

“Sobriety is no longer considered the only measure of success, but rather, the ability of the patient to be free of illicit drugs and functional.” He added that substance abuse and mental illness were closely related, with one often leading to the other.

Treatment of these disorders is said to need multi-professional medical interventions, psychiatric treatment, psychological therapy, social interventions and other professional assistance. “Related psychiatric disorders should be treated alongside substance abuse to ensure a good outcome.”

Details: linda@jigsawpr.co.za

Linda Christensen 0846669972 linda@jigsawpr.co.za

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