Streetlights and CCTV: What happened in Joburg this week?

JOBURG – We take a look at news coming from the City of Johannesburg this week.

This week in the City of Johannesburg news we see the mayor fixing street lights, a Chinese delegation visit to the office of the Joburg ombudsman, and more news you may have missed.

The City this week said it is in the process of upgrading its CCTV cameras with high-tech capabilities.

These cameras will be installed in crime hotspots which had been identified by Metro police. The new cameras are part of the first phase pilot project and will complement the current 450 cameras across the city.

The City’s mayoral committee recently passed a resolution to boost Metro police with 180 more traffic wardens.

This is to help sustain safety in a city that grows by around 3 000 new residents per month. Executive Mayor Herman Mashaba said the wardens will come from the former Extended Public Works Programme and were previously trained to perform traffic pointsman duties.

Finally, a Chinese delegation of the Shanghai municipal complaints office recently paid a visit to the City of Johannesburg’s ombudsman’s office to compare notes and build relations. This was just before the Brics summit started in Sandton this week. The City learned about Shanghai’s efficiency, hoping to learn from their processes to also help decrease their own turnaround time.

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