
One less robber in Alex

ALEXANDRA – Community helps nab a robber who awaits sentencing.


An Alex man charged with business robbery at a Spaza shop awaits sentencing by the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court.

Thabang Hlongwane (28) with an accomplice who is still at large pleaded guilty to the offence which occurred midday on 4 June at the shop in Tsutsumani.

He was chased, apprehended and beaten by community members before the police were called and arrested him. His accomplice escaped.

The two stormed into the shop as the owner, an Ethiopian national, was talking to a driver of a delivery truck. They threatened and forced the owner to lie down at knife and gunpoint and took airtime vouchers worth R1 500, R2 000 in cash, a cell phone of R4 000 and other goods all to the value of R8 800. This in addition to the victim’s passport and asylum documents.

As they fled the scene on foot, the victim shouted for community help resulting in the chase, his apprehension and beating before he was handed over to the police. It wasn’t specified if any items were recovered.

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