It’s never late to quit drugs

ALEXANDRA — A workshop to address the high level of drug use among young people in Alex.


Thusong Youth Centre recently held a drug awareness workshop to address the high usage of drugs among young people in Alex.

Director of the centre, Beauty More said there are many youngsters within the community who are dependent on drugs, particularly Nyaope.

“It is painful for parents to see their child being addicted to drugs, so we took it upon ourselves to invite addicts and their parents here,” More said.

She said most parents whose children have a problem with drugs did not attend the workshop.

“Most of the parents who were in attendance were the ones who want to know what measures to take to discourage their children from using drugs. To the parents who did not come, I plead with you to take action before it is too late.”

More advised addicts that it is never too late to quit.

“There is always time to quit and be like other kids who do not use drugs.”

Despite the poor attendance, More remained positive.

“This was just a test run; I have no doubt that the next one will have a massive turnout.”

She said one needs not wait until the next workshop to seek help.

“The centre is always at your disposal, we offer counselling and rehabilitation. Do not hesitate, take action as soon as possible.”

A date for the next workshop is yet to be announced.

Details: Beauty More; 078 514 4845.

Edited by Stacey Woensdregt


Alex grannies aim to keep teens away from drugs

What tips do you have for those struggling with drugs? Share your advice with us on the Alex News Facebook page

This story was first published on 9 October 2017. 

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