DA PR Councillor forges ahead with A Re Sebetseng cleaning campaign despite criticism

ALEXANDRA – Mkhonto said he would not be diverted from his mission to serve his community by those who put their organisations above the community.


The DA PR councillor in the City of Johannesburg, Shadrack Mkhonto, said he was unfazed by criticism from his fellow ANC councillor colleagues for participating in the A Re Sebetseng clean-up campaign.

Speaking to Alex News during such a clean-up on 19 May on the banks of the Jukskei River, Mkhonto said he would not be diverted from his mission to serve his community by those who put their organisations above the community.

Read: A Re Sebetseng works in Alex

“When I was elected a councillor in the City of Johannesburg, I took an oath to serve the people and I am fulfilling that oath today,” he said.

Community members after cleaning up the Alex park. Photo: Nduduzo Nxumalo

“My participation in this campaign should not be politicised. Since the launch of this programme a few months ago, I have been participating in it and have been criticised by my own fellow ANC councillors.

Community members with the collected garbage. Photo: Nduduzo Nxumalo

“I and the community of Ward 105 have decided that we will not sit and fold our arms while the situation of this park is deteriorating because of untidiness. I know that I will be criticised by my fellow councillors from the ANC for taking part in this A Re Sebetseng campaign we are having here today but that will not stop me from fulfilling my duties as a councillor. Their resistance to the indicative is simple because it was started by DA Executive Mayor Herman Mashaba.”

Read: Get ready for A Re Sebetseng this Saturday

Mkhonto was joined by dozens of community members from Alexandra for the clean-up.

One of the community members who participated, Thalani Dlamini, said he was grateful to be part of such a great initiative and would like to see more community members joining them in future.

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