‘Maybe bureaucrats and leaders should swap positions with hostel and shack residents for a day to make them understand their desperation’

ALEXANDRA – MP urges for partnerships and haste in Alex's development.


The euphoria generated by President Cyril Ramaphosa’s mantra, Thuma mina (Send me) shouldn’t fall flat, according to an MP.

Godfrey Tsotetsi, member of Gauteng Provincial Legislature for Alexandra said, “It should be made real on the ground through committed public and private partnerships that produce tangible and timely results on long-outstanding and new projects and programmes. The time of unfulfilled slogans is over, especially for poor communities whose expectations have been raised and the hope for a better life rekindled by the mantra.”

He said the expectations of the poor was the cause of the struggle and the National Development Plan for transformation which should be implemented with haste. He added that delays in service delivery, the quality of some of the outcomes and the negative attitudes of some of those entrusted with civil duty witnessed in the past, were disappointing.

“There is a need for a major paradigm shift in commitment to ensure all resources allocated for planned projects are used – and on time,” Tsotetsi said in reference to many unfulfilled promises on housing, infrastructure development and support services. “Bureaucrats, councillors and leaders should commit to their work and do it expeditiously.

“Alex has many unexplainable failures which risk continuing as a trend if the culture of poor service delivery continues when all levels of government have resources and an obligation to make change happen.” This he said partly in reference to the long-standing promise to revamp Helen Joseph Women’s Hostel and Madala Hostel where living conditions are deplorable.

“No normal human being should be expected to live under such conditions, including in shacks that keep mushrooming. Maybe bureaucrats and leaders should swap positions with hostel and shack residents for a day to make them understand their desperation.”

Tsotetsi urged for a firm commitment by government, unions, non-profit organisations, the private sector, churches and residents to lead integrated development processes. “It will be a mechanism to share resources and expertise, ensure the basics for change and development are in place and implemented with urgency, monitor delivery of promised services in the national interest, inspire each other as a collective, inject a spirit of transparency and responsibility, ensure the public service duty is fulfilled with care, and that challenges experienced are communicated to beneficiaries on time.”

He further urged for the master plan promised for the township’s development to be completed and communicated to the public, as it raised expectations to end the housing saga, de-densify the area and eradicate shacks, stop the violation of by-laws and ensure the provision of adequate support services.

“Let all stakeholders grasp and commit to the new positive vibe and spirit created by Ramaphosa in order to see real change happening and the rights of all achieved in a holistic manner in Alex,” Tsotetsi concluded.

Details: Godfrey Tsotetsi 079 527 9400.

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