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Four nyaope addicts go to rehab

ALEXANDRA – Four nyaope boys from the township recently went to rehab!


Joy filled Kuki Mokoena’s home when four local nyaope addicts took their first step on their journey to recovery.

Daniel Lesole (22), Tabane Motsoai (21), John Lemao (28) and Lungi Themba (20) were recently booked into a rehab for a six-week detoxification programme with the help of Mokoena.

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She was happy that four of the boys were receiving help to beat their addiction and hoped that many would soon follow.

Last year, Mokoena realized that the young men were not happy with the lives they were living and advised them to go to a rehabilitation centre.

“I am so happy that they are finally getting help. I am proud of the fact that they show determination to change their lives for the better,” Mokoena said.

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She hoped that many would follow in their footsteps. “These boys are so inspirational, I just hope that many draw inspiration from them and change their lives.”

Daniel Lesole (22) said he was happy to finally be going to rehab because that is what he has always wanted. “I have been smoking nyaope for almost two years now and it was difficult to quit. This is not the life, we live at the mercy of this [drug] and it controls your life.”

Kuki Mokoena and John’s mother (back) with the four young men who recently checked into rehab. Photo: Thabang Kuaho

He said nobody would want to experience the withdrawal symptoms of the drug. “When your high goes down, you experience terrible stomach cramps and your body becomes weak. The only thing you can do to feel better is to have another joint.”

Lesole has tried quitting many times before but failed, and he was happy to be going to rehab. “Every time I experienced withdrawal symptoms I would go back because the [stomach] cramps are unbearable. I am just happy that I will now receive all the help I can get to kick this addiction.”

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Another addict, 21-year-old Tabane Motsoai, was looking forward to putting the life of drugs and crime behind him. “It is by sheer luck that I am still alive, I used to live a risky life. I am just glad that all of that is about to change. As excited as I am, I am also nervous. Finally, I can live like other human beings.”

He was once beaten by community members after he was caught stealing from a household in the township. “That is why I am saying that I am lucky to still be alive. I could have died at that moment.”

John Lemao (28) said no human being should live at the mercy of nyaope. “I sometimes wonder why I started smoking in the first place. Like many addicts, I have been attempting to quit for a long time but I also failed.

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“I am just happy to have finally found help. I know that it will not be easy, but I am determined to do anything that will help me on this journey.”

Lungi Themba (20) has been smoking nyaope for the past three years and was looking forward to getting the support of other addicts at rehab. “Going to rehab will make it easier for me to quit because there will be other people who are going through the same situation as me. We will offer each other support to beat the addiction.”

He has told himself that he will never touch another joint ever again.

After undergoing six weeks of detoxification and primary care, the four will undergo a three-month halfway house programme where they will gain personal insight and skills to make themselves self-sustainable.

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Motsoai planned to use the skills he would have gained to get a job and help his family with household expenses. “Getting a job will also keep me busy and I would not have time to do drugs.”

Lemao plans to get a job so that he can stay away from toxic friends. “All my friends smoke nyaope and being with them after rehab will make it easy for me to start again. That is not something that I want.”

Themba also plans to get a job so that he can provide for himself and his family.

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Mokoena runs a feeding scheme from her two-roomed flat in Phase 1 where she provides food to 500 nyaope addicts three times a day.

Groceries for the feeding scheme are bought by her, with the money she gets from doing odd jobs around the township.

Details: Kuki Mokoena 072 243 3180.

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