Tips to secure your home this festive season

JOBURG – ER24 also provided pre-journey safety checks for your vehicle.

The festive season is a time when many people let their guard down to enjoy their surroundings; and, it is also a time when criminal activity such as break-ins and theft tend to increase.

Whether homeowners migrate to places of holiday or simply spend more time at friends’ houses, there are fewer people around, resulting in less foot traffic, luring thieves to quiet and unoccupied residences.

“Homeowners and estate managers have to take the appropriate security and safety precautions over this time, in order to keep their homes and estates in which they live safe and secure,” said Roy Alves, the sales director at Axis Communications.

“The most important aspect is controlling the access individuals have to your property. By ensuring the right people have access to the appropriate areas of your estate or home, it will result in a sharp decrease in the amount of unnecessary or ‘wrong’ foot traffic, decreasing the chance of vulnerability and ultimately an act of crime.”

Tips for controlling access to your home or estate:

Further, ER24 also urged the public not to let their guard down while they go on vacation.

ER24 provided these pre-journey safety checks



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