Man shoots brother

ALEXANDRA – Suspect kills brother over missing gun.

A resident of Nobuhle hostel who is on bail for the alleged murder of his brother reappeared recently at the Alex Magistrates’ Court where the trial date was rescheduled to 8 January, next year.

By then, ballistics test results of the murder weapon are expected to be ready. His bail condition prohibits him from contacting the witnesses.

The 25-year-old suspect, a former security guard, is accused of the murder, which occurred at 9.30pm on 6 June at a residence he shared with the victim and his other 21-year-old brother.

It’s said when he got home, he looked for his work-issued gun in a safe. When he couldn’t find it, he asked the brother and a friend who denied knowledge of its whereabouts.

When he eventually found it in a cupboard, he got angry and the friend ran out of the house, leaving the brothers alone.

The victim ran into the toilet, and the accused allegedly shot into the toilet, hitting the victim in the stomach. The victim ran out of the toilet and tackled the suspect, who allegedly fired a second shot which hit him in the upper body.

They continued to tussle until a neighbour intervened and snatched the gun from the suspect after he allegedly fired a third shot, which hit a wall.

The suspect then walked away and the victim was taken to a clinic where he died.

Read: Alex man shot dead after following robbers

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