Housing discrepancies

RIVER PARK – The unfinished flats are crumbling and bricks and a fence have been stolen.


Gauteng Department of Human Settlements has appointed a team of professionals to determine the remedial measures at the crumbling River Park Flats project.

This according to the department’s MEC, Paul Mashatile, in response to questions sent to him by North Eastern Tribune last month. In his reply, Mashatile said R37 920 045 has been spent on this crumbling housing project earmarked to house people in Joburg east.

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Work began on 12 October 2008, however, the project was halted in 2012 after a contractor went into liquidation.

Asked why the project was halted, the MEC said there was insufficient funding to complete the project. “Sea-Kay Engineers (Pty) Ltd, a contractor responsible for the construction of the flats, went into voluntary liquidation on 12 December,” said Mashatile.

“A professional team has now been appointed to determine remedial measures and the associated costs. The team will complete its work in March 2018.”

The department will then commence tender proceedings in the 2018/19 financial year, he added.

DA shadow MEC for Human Settlements, Mervyn Cirota, said this is unacceptable and a total waste of taxpayers’ money. He said there is clearly poor project management and poor planning from the department, resulting in unfinished housing projects.

Read: National government commits R188m for inner-city housing developments

“If this River Park Flats project was completed within the time frame, it would have assisted in easing the housing backlog that the province is faced with,” said Cirota.

“The appointment of a professional team by the department to determine the remedial measures and associated costs is a typical delaying tactic by the ANC. We will continue to engage the MEC on this issue to ensure that the River Park Flats are completed and handed over to the rightful beneficiaries.”

Details: cmoyo@gpl.gov.za

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