Women and Men Against Child Abuse calls for life in jail for Balaclava Rapists

JOBURG – Women and Men Against Child Abuse want the highest possible sentence to be handed down to two convicted rapists that went on a rampant rape spree in Alexandra.


Sentencing proceedings began this morning against two convicted rapists, Josias Mukansi and Sinja Mabitsela, at the South Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg.

Non-profit child protection organisation, Women and Men Against Child Abuse is calling for the harshest sentence to be handed down to the two rapists.

“Josias Mukansi and Sinja Mabitsela hijacked the whole community of Alexandra with fear as they raged a rampant rape spree which continued unabated for six years and left numerous traumatised victims in their wake,” read a statement from the organisation.

It further stated that they hoped the severe trauma suffered by the children victims was taken into account and that judge Ingrid Opperman passed down the highest possible sentence to Mukansi and Mabitsela for their heinous crimes. The organisation commended prosecutor Michelle Bayat for her tenacity, commitment and dedicated efforts to the case, and for making herself available to the victims of the predators.

According to the organisation, from 2009, Kidz Clinics noticed an increase in reported rape cases and noticed a distinct and horrific pattern emerging. The organisation said the men’s rape spree continued unabated through Alexandra, and it took a further six years before the perpetrators were arrested a year apart. The lengthy period was due to the fact that identification of the two was made impossible by the balaclavas used to cover their faces, hence they became known as the Balaclava Rapists. It was only due to perseverance by law enforcement officers that they were tracked through victims’ stolen cellphones and a tip-off from the public.

The case started in Alexandra Magistrates’ Court but moved to the South Gauteng High Court due to the serious nature of the crimes and the high number of victims and incidents. The two men were convicted in March.

Mukansi was convicted on 14 counts of rape and two of compelled rape, as well as a further 11 charges which include kidnapping, assault and theft with aggravating circumstances.

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