Rape victim hits attacker with brick

ALEXANDRA – Courageous rape victim escapes after hitting her attacker in the face with a brick.


A rape victim’s courage prevented further torment when she hit an alleged rapist in the face with a brick, enabling her to escape into the home of a stranger who safeguarded her overnight.

The suspect is wanted by the police.

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The incident began at about 9.30pm on 22 July at the victim’s home in Ext 7. Alex spokesperson Captain Allie Kodisang said the suspect was said to have approached the victim at the gate of her home as she was checking for her boyfriend and her brother who had left her alone. When she retreated to the door, the suspect allegedly followed, greeted her and asked where she was going. When she continued walking into her home, he allegedly grabbed her and covered her mouth with his hand.

She struggled free and ran into a neighbour’s home but he followed and she again escaped to an aunt’s place where she found the boyfriend and brother.

He again followed her into the home and claimed she was his girlfriend. He managed to overpower the brother and boyfriend when they tried to protect the woman and dragged her onto the street while threatening to kill her if she resisted going with him.

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She fell and sustained injuries as he dragged her into another yard where he assaulted her before undressing and raping her without a condom.

She managed to free herself after hitting him in the face with a brick that was on the ground. She fled to a stranger’s house who kept her safe until the morning when her brother and boyfriend arrived and took her to the Alex clinic for treatment.

Details: Alex Police Station 011 439 7718/9.

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