Logistics company handsomely boosts Alex cricket coffers

ALEXANDRA - The donation of R150 000 will go a long way towards boosting cricket development in Alexandra.


Alexandra Cricket Club’s coffers were handsomely boosted with a donation of R150 000 from Bedfordview-based Imperial Logistics.

This was the cherry on top to the other activities the company carried out at the Alex Cricket Oval, which is home to the club, as part of its Mandela Day celebrations.

This will boost cricket development in Alexandra, said club chairman Lesiba Mailula.

Mandela Day volunteers hard at work at the Alex Cricket Oval at the Altrec Sports Complex. Photo: Sipho Siso

Company marketing executive Michelle Neilson said R100 000 of the donation was given to the Alexandra Cricket Club, while the balance goes towards transportation costs of the players to their various games and also providing them with meals.

Describing her company as ‘proudly South African’, Neilson said they were determined to ensure that Alex cricket grew to become a force to be reckoned with.

“Our donation to the club is along with these wishes from us. We want to see Alex cricket playing a meaningful role in the country’s cricket spheres,” said Nielson, who added that more than 50 of their staff members from head office and operations participated in the various Mandela Day activities at the oval.

Mandela Day volunteers hard at work at the Alex Cricket Oval at the Altrec Sports Complex. Photo: Sipho Siso

Neilson said her company also brought in their road safety team to educate the children about rules of the road. “We want them to be streetwise,” she said.

Neilson added that they also planted trees around the oval and started a vegetable garden which she said would go a long way towards the nutritional needs of the children.

“We shall continue our relationship with the Alex club and also work with the Gauteng Cricket Board to ensure the growth of Alex cricket.”

Read: We don’t like cricket, we love it

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