Alexandra residents protest on the N3 North at the Marlboro off-ramp

ALEXANDRA - Protestors take to the streets to voice their discontent with the housing crisis in their area.

According to EWN Traffic, protesters took the streets on 2 July in the morning and began throwing stones and rocks at motorists. Rocks and debris obstructed the road and brought traffic to a halt.


One hour after the initial report of the protest at 10.30am, EWN Traffic confirmed that the traffic was flowing again.



It is reported that protest took place over land issues, the housing crisis and the unemployment crisis. Ward 109 councillor Werner Smit said that the housing crisis in Johannesburg is a massive issue, “It is only superseded by the unemployment crisis in our depressed economy. What we do know is that past housing policies have failed us. The other problem, particular to Alexandra, is that the land restitution of the former landowners has not been concluded.”






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