
Tablet thefts in schools investigated

ALEXANDRA – Police investigate theft of tablets in classrooms


Alex police are investigating the alleged theft of tablets from two pupils at Kwa-Bhekilanga and Alex High School, which occurred almost simultaneously on 10 May.

Police spokesperson, Captain Allie Kodisang said the theft at Alex High School was from a school boy at 11.30am when he was in a classroom. He allegedly put the tablet in his bag, which he zipped up and placed next to his desk. Later, a group of about 15 pupils from other classes came into the classroom and started playing dice. Afterwards, he checked the bag and found it opened and the tablet missing. He reported the incident to a teacher who reported the matter to the police.

In the Kwa-Bhekilanga incident, a schoolboy, left his tablet connected to a charger on the wall in the classroom when he went out during the first break at 11am. Other classmates remained behind. When he returned at 11.30am, the tablet was allegedly missing. He asked the classmates about it but they denied any knowledge of the tablet.

The tablets, which cost R1 000 each are part of the Gauteng Provincial Department of Education’s multi-million rand investment being rolled out to poor schools to support pupils through e-Learning.

The incidents occurred at a time when there are ongoing concerns by school authorities, school children and the general public on school safety, particularly against burglaries, which have cost most local schools huge losses in stolen equipment and broken safes. In some instances security guards have been assaulted.

Details: Alex Police Station 011439 7718/9.

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