Ward 105 councillor lambasted for failure to do his job

ALEXANDRA – Tsutsumani resident slams 'unhelpful' councillor Tefo Raphadu of Ward 105.


Ward 105 councillor Tefo Raphadu has been lambasted for allegedly failing to do his job.

Vusi Msomi, chairperson of the Foundation for Special Needs and Youth Development, accused the councillor of neglecting his duties after Raphadu allegedly failed to assist him when he needed him the most.

Msomi said he had secured sponsorship from a private company that wanted to assist him setting up a container in Tsutsumani Village’s Extension 10 to help him teach sign language to mute kids and their parents, caregivers and interested members of the community as well.

“I had wanted to place the container in some open space in Ext 10 and had asked the councillor for permission to do, as I wanted the whole project to be within the confines of the bylaws so they would not tow it away as an illegal set-up,” Msomi said.

“I then approached the councillor and explained my project concept to him and indicated that I needed written permission to set up the container at the particular open space. He promised he would come back to me and up until now I have not seen or heard from him.

“This is despite many visits to his house and numerous phone calls I have made to him, and each time he keeps ducking and diving and making excuse after excuse. I have phoned the councillor more than 20 times and each time he gives me the runaround.”

Msomi said he expected the councillor to be upfront with him if it was not possible to use the open space if it had already been taken or earmarked for some other development.

Without this kind of communication, Msomi said, “I had no choice but to think this was a matter of serious dereliction of duties on the part of the councillor. He is so unhelpful to the community.”

Msomi, determined to offer his services for a need he had realised within his community, then approached the principal of Skeen Primary School who didn’t hesitate and offered him the use of one of his classrooms for free.

Details: Vusi Msomi 076 174 1167; svvmsomi@gmail.com

Read: Councillors Corner: What are ward committees roles in service delivery?

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